Dear csounders, I'll give a very brief presentation on Music and AI to a class who is taking a course titled Musix & GNU/Linux at Istanbul Bilgi University CS dept. given by Dr. Ruhan Ikeda. In addition to my main presentation I also want to inform them about Csound and its capabilities. I won't have much time to talk to them and I'll be using another computer on which I won't have time to install some programs, make adjustmens, etc. so I'd like to give young students a musical and acoustical impression in a quick manner. So which Csound pieces (im .mp3 format) would you advise me to download and make those students listen? Another question: They are using Common Music from Taube and I'm sure they learned how to create some MIDI files. I would like to show them they can use Csound as the ultimate synthesizer to give life and sound to their MIDI output. What would you suggest for that? Get some MIDI file (for example?) and render it using Csound (how? since I haven't tried that before and I'm not a csound expert)? Any tips and ideas will be greatly appreciated. -- Emre Sevinc e-MBA Software Development @ Istanbul Bilgi University