I'm using a 4 gig SD hd, that's why Java just fills it up, but ruby, python, and tcl/tk take only a small amount of space in comparison. Its fast enough to run Blue, but I would need to get my csd.jar file from my other large machine. Using a 4 gig HD about 2 gigs goes for linux (with the nextstep ui) and then 2 gigs left for file storage. If I run java I wind up with only about 800 megs left for storage, Java is great but the JDK is getting huge for only 4 gigs total space. On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Steven Yi wrote: > Hi Brian, > > Just wanted to say thanks for reporting your findings! As a test, > could you maybe render examples/trapped.csd to wav and report the time > it took to do so? I got: > > Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 9.220s, CPU: 9.221s > > on a WinXP machine, Core 2 duo T7300 @ 2ghz, 3gig ram. > > I'm curious to compare performance times, as there are certainly > netbooks out there with larger SSD or HD sizes than what is on the > EEE. Also, which EEE are you using? > > Thanks! > steven > > > On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 11:47 AM, Brian Redfern wrote: >> I've got python on there, too. I'm reading the csound journal article >> on embedding python within a csd, but the tcl/tk interface is also >> interesting because it can do so much heavy lifting. I may wind up >> using tcltk to setup a csound server and then use python osc to do >> live coding music, just firing off osc events to the csd that's >> running and tcltk is just a small code to run the server. >> >> On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Michael Gogins wrote: >>> Is there Python on this platform? That would be as powerful as Java, and not much bigger than Tcl/Tk. >>> >>> Regards, >>> Mike >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>>>From: Brian Redfern >>>>Sent: Oct 4, 2008 1:31 PM >>>>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk >>>>Subject: [Csnd] csound runs suprisingly well on the eeepc >>>> >>>>At first I was just excited to get csound on the eeepc, but now that >>>>I'm using it to run csound in realtime, I'm suprised by how well it >>>>performs given that this a much more limited system than my macbook >>>>pro or lenovo laptops. Its a little too limited on disk space to run >>>>Blue though, also its got a small screen. But I'm looking at tclCsound >>>>library to write a live coding interface in tcl/tk that's lightweight >>>>enough to run on the eeepc. I could put java and blue on here, its >>>>fast enough, but there wouldn't be much disk space left, java se is >>>>pretty huge these days, while tcl/tk is still very small in >>>>comparison. >>>> >>>> >>>>Send bugs reports to this list. >>>>To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound" >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Send bugs reports to this list. >>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound" >>> >> >> >> Send bugs reports to this list. >> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound" >> > > > Send bugs reports to this list. > To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound" >