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Jack and Csound for live

Date2004-04-21 21:24
From"iain duncan"
SubjectJack and Csound for live
Well we've all been pretty quiet lately! Must be the anticipation of Csound5
. . .

So, has anyone tried this, or can anyone comment of the viability of it? I
was thinking it would make a nice live setup to have ( on linux ) Csound
running under real time midi control and outputting all sound through jack
ports, with some external reverb software running in a jack rack so that I
didn't have to the reverbs in csound. Essentially an aux bus mixer using
jack. I've heard good things about Freeverb.

I was also thinking ( Gerard are you there? Ha ha ) that if the jcsound
could *output* midi, then the reverb plugins in the jack rack could be
controlled by csound for settings and such like. Or is there another simpler
way that I'm missing? I'm still figuring out how to get everything working
on my new Gentoo install so this is all conjecture at the moment.

Though I must say I'm damn impressed at how easy it is to install a new
kernel and alsa drivers on Gentoo!


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