| Hello all. I'm working on a track that can be rendered solely from a
csound sco and orc files. I want to add a dub feel to track so I
decided to send all of the audio through a reverberator that uses the
alpass opcode. I'm using a zak mixer to channel the audio. Sending
all the audio through the alpass did indeed create a dubby feel.
However, the output seemed heavy on the low end. So, after the alpass
reverberator I sent the audio through a highpass filter. When I do
this I get a bunch of samples out of range and the highpass doesn't
even seem to be working right. If I lower the output on the alpass
filter to keep samples from going out of range, things sound really
bassy and it actually sounds like the highs are being filtered. I also
noticed a high pitch....like feedback??? If I use these intruments by
themselves the track sounds okay and the instruments seem to work, but
if i route the audio to my highpass filter after using the alpass
reverb it doesn't work. Any ideas why?
here are the orc files and the lines from the sco that call them:
;allpass Reverberator
;instr str dur amp rise decay rvb_time
loop_time inchl inchr outchl outchr
i1101 0.000 162.000 .01 0.000 0.000 .5 [.125]
99 100 101 102
; strt dur amp rise decay filtstr
filtend inchl inchr outchl outchr balon
i1103 0 162 .1 0 0 50
50 101 102 103 104 0
#define alpass_reverb(i) #
; allpass Reverb
instr $i.
idur = p3
iamp = p4
irise = p5
idec = p6
irvt = p7
iloop_time = p8
iinchl = p9
iinchr = p10
ioutchl = p11
ioutchr = p12
;convert linen envelope parameters to percentages of the total duration
of note
irise = irise * idur
idec = idec * idur
kvol linen iamp, irise, idur, idec
asigl zar iinchl
asigr zar iinchr
;scale the signal
aleft alpass asigl, irvt, iloop_time
aright alpass asigr, irvt, iloop_time
;aleft alpass asigl, 4, .025
;aright alpass asigr, 4, .025
zawm (aleft * kvol), ioutchl
zawm (aright * kvol), ioutchr
endin #
#define high_pass_filter(i) #
; HIGH PASS FILTER with balanced output
instr $i.
idur = p3
iamp = p4
irise = p5
idec = p6
ifiltstr = p7
ifiltend = p8
iinchl = p9
iinchr = p10
ioutchl = p11
ioutchr = p12
ibalon = p13
;convert linen envelope parameters to percentages of the total duration
of sound object
irise = irise * idur
idec = idec * idur
;volume envelope
kvol linen iamp, irise, idur, idec
asigl zar iinchl
asigr zar iinchr
;high pass butterworth line
kfilt line ifiltstr, idur, ifiltend
afiltl butterhp asigl, kfilt
afiltr butterhp asigr, kfilt
if ibalon = 0 kgoto nobalancing
aball balance asigl, afiltl
abalr balance asigr, afiltr
afiltl = aball
afiltr = abalr
zawm (afiltl * kvol), ioutchl
zawm (afiltr * kvol), ioutchr
endin #
gerald wenzel
@pplication specific - music is necessary
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