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Re: csound and jack

Date2003-08-22 10:58
SubjectRe: csound and jack
Atte André Jensen wrote:
> I'd love to use csound together with other sound producing software,
> including LADSPA plugins driven from a sequencer under
> linux/debian/unstable. But if I first start jackd and then csound (-o
> devaudio), csound just sits there. Is it possible at all? If not is this
> a planned feature for csound5? And is there a work-a-round?

if csound's -o dac/devaudio flag results in the audio being routed to an
alsa pcm device output then it might be possible to hack your .asoundrc
to get it to talk to jack.  i think that there's some kind of routing
wizardry that you can do in that file using jack pcm plugins, but you'll
really have to know alsa and .asoundrc well.  check out the asound.rc
pages on alsa-project.org


sorry for the late and somewhat vague reply, 
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