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csound software idea, looking for partners

Date2004-07-13 13:19
Fromiain duncan
Subjectcsound software idea, looking for partners
Hi everyone, I'd like to start experimenting with writing host programs 
that use the csound api, and I thought a useful addition to the linux 
software out there would be an ear training app that uses csound as the 
audio engine. I tried Solfege, and it doesn't seem to like my 
functioning alsa set up at all.

The concept would be a simple host in C++ that embeds csound and gives 
the user a gui, the user would then have the ability to change which 
audio instrument gets used, and I'm thinking if it were not too hard to 
do, it would be cool if the user could extend the app by writing their 
own drills in Python or something.

I can commit to about 10-15 hours per week on this, so it won't be a 
high priority high profile project, but I think if documented properly 
it could be a very useful example for others. Is there anyone else out 
there interested in helping on such a thing? I have no experiece with 
CVS, a fair bit of C and python knowledge, and mediocre C++ skills but 
they are improving. I'd love to do it with someone with more experience 
on the C++ and api end, but any help would be cool.

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