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[announce] blue 0.92.2

Date2003-09-22 06:04
Subject[announce] blue 0.92.2
Hi all,

I've put up a new release of blue at:


This release contains a beta of an audioFile player soundObject that
will let you select a file from the harddrive and have it in the
timeline, thus making blue into a simple multitrack.  There's also space
to edit and add csound code so you can freely change the outs to globals
or zak space as well as add processing code.  Since it's in beta, I've
disabled the soundObject by default; to enable it, edit the
blue/conf/registry.xml and uncomment out the line that has the AudioFile

This new version of blue also requires that you edit your starter
scripts (blue.bat for windows, blue.sh for linux, and blue.comand for
MacOSX) so that BLUE_HOME is defined correctly for where you put blue. 
The reason for this is that it made it a lot easier to get another
feature in, namely opening files from the commandline, i.e. blue
someFile.blue would open blue with that file open.  Thus, you can now
associate fileTypes to blue so that if you double-click them it'll
automatically open in blue (tested on windows, haven't tested on other

Big thanks to Kevin Welsh for the feedback and ideas as always; a few of
his requests for features have made their way into this release, namely
ramps in GenericScore, moving of configuration files into
[userHome]/.blue directory, and inserting of instruments into first
available number after the currently selected instrument.

Thanks again to everyone who's contributed ideas and feedback!


>Notes for 0.92.2<
[released 2003.9.22]


    [new] - new AudioFile soundObject makes it easy to add audio files
into your
            project; select a soundFile from your drive and the editor
will give 
            you information about the soundFile as well as a place to
            the csoundCode (i.e. add some processing to your soundFile
or change 
            the output to zak-variables instead of the default out)
            *note: currently in beta and not guaranteed (though most
likely) to 
            load in future versions of blue; not enabled by default: to
            uncomment the commented line in blue/conf/registry.xml that
            to the AudioFile object

    [new] - added requirement that BLUE_HOME environment variable to be
            this has been done so within the blue starter scripts;
            INSTALL.txt to see how to set these variables need to be set

    [new] - added hotkey ctrl-T for running test in soundObjects that
            GenericEditor(GenericScore, PythonObject, RhinoObject)

    [new] - added ability to open file from commandline by passing in
file names
            i.e. blue someFile.blue anotherFile.blue  will start blue
with those
            two files open

    [new] - changed all settings files to be moved to .blue directory in
            *if [userhome]/.blue is found not to exist, then .blue will
be made
            *if [userhome]/.blue has to be made, it will make a copy of
            .blueConfig.xml if found; 
            *libraries for internal python objects (soundObject,
instrument) can 
            now be placed in blue/lib/pythonLib or
            *if [userhome]/.blue/codeRepository.xml does not exist, copy

    [updated] - adding instruments now will use first available number
after the
            the currently selected instrument, or first available number
if no
            instrument is selected

    [updated] - removed "instance count" from SoundObject Library Dialog

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