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Linux distro opinions

Date2004-01-05 21:57
SubjectLinux distro opinions
I know this has been discussed before, but the world keeps changing! I want to 
do 2 seperate linux installs at home, one meant to be the at home regular use 
DAW, and one meant to be the no gui command line only lightweight version for 
live use. The lightweight version will literally boot into Csound and be used 
for nothing else. I'd like to get the audio latency as good as possible on 
both, and plan on running Csound, PD, Ardour, ecasound, and Jack on the DAW. 
It would be a bonus if the lightweight version can actually fit entirely on a 
CDR. I'm prepared to learn how to optimize the kernel for both. I'd like to 
hear opinions on best distro for each situation, as well as thoughts on both 
Agnula and Planet CCRMA. Any thoughts on Debian vs Redhat Agnula would be 
appreciated as well.


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