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Event editor for Vim & Emacs

Date2003-12-29 06:58
From"Iain Duncan"
SubjectEvent editor for Vim & Emacs
I've started working on a generic event list editor toolkit. The idea being
that if you like using event lists, why not use one that actually kicks ass
and is fully extensible? So I'm writing python scripts to use on text
matrix files from Vim or Emacs, as well as Vim/Emacs customizations to make
editing a grid of numbers fast and easy. The idea is that the grid of
numbers will be like a step event list, one line per step, as many columns
as you want paramaters per event. In addition there will be space off to the
right ( past the data columns ) for markers. This way instead of having your
selection poof into thin air every time you make a new one, you can keep
multiple compound selections going persistently. You can also either mark
your selections manually, or use a script, to say do things like
automatically select all C#s, or all notes with vel over 100, or all notes
shorter than x, or say every third note. Then the transforming scripts can
do anykind of intelligent scaling, compressing, transposing, etc. And you
can do very fast and sophisticated search and replace stuff, or random
generation algorhythms, whatever.

These generic files of number columns plus markers can then be
exported/imported to/from whatever file format you want. My interest is to
send them to csound score format and my own sequencer format, but there's no
reason someone couldn't write an export to midi file where the paramaters
past vel and pitch represent user defined CC messages.

So . . . I'm looking to find other people who are interested, in which case
we could set up a code repository, and also looking for feedback on how
people would be interested in having their function calls work, what
functions they would find handy, etc.

So far I've got two ways of doing it working, one is sending the data out to
python via a system call from Vim. This allows one to easily work on a
visual block selection of data without the script having to worry about
which lines and columns it should work with. The other is to script Vim
itself using Python. This has the advantage of being able to interact with
Vim better, but on the other hand make the script less portable to say Emacs
or other apps. The real question right now for me is how should one work
ideally in a perfect event editor? How would you type in commands? Would you
use a mouse, and if so how? What would you NOT want to be forced into doing?
What operations would you want to do the most?


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