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[Cs-dev] a JACK problem ?

Date2008-12-31 12:40
FromDave Phillips
Subject[Cs-dev] a JACK problem ?

I've been testing Jean-Pierre Lemoine's latest versions of AVSynthesis, 
and I've encountered a show-stopping problem. The program crashes 
immediately when I attempt to render a composition in any of the 
program's play modes, typically with this sort of error:

# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb7ed01d3, pid=4996, tid=3021405072
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_02-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
# Problematic frame:
# C  [libc.so.6+0x6b1d3]  strrchr+0xa3

We're having some trouble running down the cause of the error, but I've 
discovered that the program works fine on an older version of JACK 
(0.109.2, yuck). To summarize, AVSynthesis crashes with JACK 0.115.6 and 
0.116.0. When it crashes with 0.116.0 I receive an error regarding 
librtjack, but other crashes refer to libc (as above) or libjvm as the 
problematic frame. Csound versions are 5.09.2 and the latest 5.10.

Have any changes occurred recently in the code for librtjack.so ? 
Jean-Pierre suggested that the error occurs when AVS tried to load a 
CSD, has anything else changed that might create that problem ?



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