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[CSOUND-DEV:3049] Re: Csound 4.24.x - no problem with LGPL

Date2003-07-29 22:30
From"Iain Duncan"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3049] Re: Csound 4.24.x - no problem with LGPL
Here's some demand for it! Please do allow your work to become part of the
LGPL csound, and please do the same with your build as well. 4.23 runs
amazingly for my purposes.


I have not read the Csound lists for a few months, nor did I
know about the source code beind LGPL'd. In fact, I have not
changed my code for quit some time, and not sure if I will continue
developing it at any time.
This may explain why I did not respond to posts (also note that
I found that my mail account at csounds.com is no longer functional).
On the other hand, I have nothing against releasing any of the code
I contributed under the LGPL, or any other license not more restrictive
than the LGPL, assuming that I am credited for writing the code.
As I said above, I no longer maintain any Csound sources, but, if there
is demand for it, I can release a cleaned-up and bug fixed version
of 4.21.2, with LGPL license.

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Kezdő angol online kurzus e-mailben. Nyelvtani magyarázatok,
feladatok megoldásokkal mindössze 3,500 Ft/hó árért.

Kezdő angol online kurzus e-mailben. Nyelvtani magyarázatok,
feladatok megoldásokkal mindössze 3,500 Ft/hó árért.