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[Cs-dev] Problem with Csound6 API example

Date2013-10-05 12:32
FromFrancois PINOT
Subject[Cs-dev] Problem with Csound6 API example
AttachmentsAPIexample.zip  None  None  

I wrote for the FLOSS manual a c++ program to show the new API features. I tested the program on two machines: a desktop with an AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 B26 Processor × 2 and a laptop with an Intel® Core™ i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz × 8 processor.

Both machines run under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit). On both machines, Csound was built from the last git develop branch.

When I run the executable built on either machine on the desktop computer everything is ok. When I run the executable built on either machine on the laptop, there is a noticeable delay between the calls to CompileTree, CompileOrc, EvalCode, or ReadScore and the result of these calls.

Could it be a multicore issue ? Any idea ?

I put in attachment a zip file containing my program (dyncomp.cpp), and the logs of the csound build on the laptop: csound6cmake.log, csound6build.log, and install6.log. The cpp example is built with the following command:

 g++ -DUSE_DOUBLE -o dc dynCompil.cpp -lcsound64 -lcsnd6

