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[Cs-dev] ASCII through Python to Csound

Date2011-08-15 20:17
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Cs-dev] ASCII through Python to Csound
I've got a Python/Sugar script for a new XO activity that should send ASCII 
keystrokes to Csound. Csound then needs to process these keystrokes like 
sensekey does, making use of the kkeydown parameter of sensekey, which 
allows the ASCII value to be present (or counted) for a single k-cycle only. 
This is important because the only function of the key-press-events is to 
trigger the playing of an audio sample. (The ASCII value needs to return to 
"zero" after a single k-cycle.)

I thought I could do this by simply using sensekey within Csound, but 
apparently ASCII is not available to Csound when controlled by a Python 
script (I tried this).

The Python snippets below send ASCII to my .csd fine, but the trouble is 
that the ASCII values in the buffer remain unchanged until another key is 
pressed - there is no returning to 0 or -1 in between. (For one thing, 
*repeated* keypresses would seem not to work - and they need to.)

So I need either a modification of the code below to send only a 
single-cycle's keystroke value to Csound, or something that will allow 
sensekey to work in my .csd. Please send any and all ideas.

def onKeyPress(self, widget, event):
   if self.p:
     if self.ver > 1:
       self.w.set_channel("ascii", event.keyval)

 def playcsd(self, widget):
   if self.p == False:
     self.p = True
     self.but.child.set_label("STOP !")
     self.but.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF, 0, 0))
     self.but.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF, 0, 0))
     if self.ver > 1:
       self.connect("key-press-event", self.onKeyPress)

Art Hunkins

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