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[Cs-dev] Duplicate OENTRYs

Date2006-03-14 01:02
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[Cs-dev] Duplicate OENTRYs
Wow, this has been driving me crazy for a couple of hours!  I was comparing
opcode counts between 5.00 and 5.01 and 5.01 was three less than I thought
it should be with the new additions.  I finally tracked it down to a
difference in how the two are reporting opcodes.  New code in 5.01 will
apparently remove identical OENTRYs from the list before counting them.

And the reason that 5.00 is three higher is that these three OENTRYs are
each duplicated in entry1.c:

{ "limit.i", S(LIMIT),  1, "i", "iii",  (SUBR)klimit,  NULL, NULL },
{ "reverb", S(REVERB),  5, "a",  "ako", (SUBR)rvbset, NULL, (SUBR)reverb },
{ "delayw", S(DELAYW),  5,  "",  "a",    (SUBR)delwset,NULL, (SUBR)delayw },

I assume that this is an error and the duplicate entries can be removed?

Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net

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