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[Cs-dev] Test csds for Csound 6 on Android

Date2013-06-11 19:31
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Cs-dev] Test csds for Csound 6 on Android
Attachmentstests.zip  None  None  
These are all the CSDs I use to test. Trapped, Xanadu, and CloudStrata don't use any plugins. The Csound Haiku all use part of the signal flow graph opcodes. lua_scoregen.csd uses the Lua opcodes to generate a score. A few of these write soundfiles to the sdcard.

These all work on my phone.

I don't have any tests for libstdutils.

I've contacted Iain McCurdy about running these on Android and he seems interested in adding sliders or other controllers to the Haiku. I will do one or two myself just to get started. These pieces are great for showing what you can do on a telephone.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com