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[CSOUND-DEV] Status of new Windows installer for Csound

Date2015-10-16 02:12
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[CSOUND-DEV] Status of new Windows installer for Csound
Just to let people know, I have begun working on creating the new
Windows installer for Csound. This will be built for 32 bit CPU
architecture, using MinGW 4.9.2 for everything except CsoundQt, which
will be built using Microsoft C++ 2015. It has been some time since I
updated the many tools and third party libraries involved, but I am
doing that now.

I also plan to introduce some improvements in the Csound for Android
application, including a more stable screen layout and the ability to
receive data from Csound channels in the HTML/JavaScript user

I may even be able to do some more work towards unifying the various
JavaScript versions of the Csound API, but we will see.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions