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[CSOUND-DEV:4927] Re: scons on mac

Date2004-07-13 00:55
From"Michael Gogins"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4927] Re: scons on mac
I've been wondering the same thing about "==" myself. 

Did you try (appending 2 tokens as 1 list element):

    if (getPlatform() == 'darwin'):
        commonEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-framework carbon'])

Or if that doesn't work (appending 2 tokens as 2 list elements):

    if (getPlatform() == 'darwin'):
        commonEnvironment.Append(LINKFLAGS = Split('-framework carbon'))

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Csound Developers Discussion List" 
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 3:47 PM
Subject: [CSOUND-DEV:4923] scons on mac

> I need to add the parameters "-framework carbon" to the link stage om
> OSX, but I do not see to be able to get scons to accept this.  If I do
> hand lin king it works
> Also for you Python phreaks, what is the difference between
> if (commonEnvironment['useFLTK'] and fltkFound):
> and
> if (commonEnvironment['useFLTK']==1 and fltkFound==1):
> and
> if (commonEnvironment['useFLTK']==1 and fltkFound):
> when commonEnvironment['useFLTK'] and fltkFound both print as 1 ??
> I have convinced myself that I do not understand python.
> Anyway the first question is much more important to me.  How do I add
> "-framework carbon" to the link line?
> ==John ffitch

Date2004-07-13 02:19
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4928] Re: scons on mac
Hi Michael,

I'm checking out your changes, and have a couple of newbie questions 
regarding conventions.

Why do you separate each line by a blank line?
Would it bother you if I included some comment separators between some 
functions as visual cues when scrolling rapidly?
When posting messages as: csound->Message  are these messages turned off 
by command line flags?
Can you explain what p->h.insdshead->nxtact does in line 195 in function 
vstplug? I don't really know the csound API.

Do you agree we might get rid of vstinst, since vstplug already contains 
all functionality for both vst plug ins and vst instruments? I 
originally thought there might be some differences, but I don't see any now.

My implementation of vstnote contains an additional first parameter that 
triggers the note on message. I think this might be useful.

One last question:  when defining the parameters for an opcode in the 
OENTRY vstOentry[] list, is there a symbol for optional audio rate 
parameters. I didn't find any reference to that on the Csound Book. This 
would be useful when vstplug is used for a vst instrument, so you don't 
need to create dummy a-rate variables to fill the spaces.

Thanks, thanks, thanks,

Date2004-07-13 03:15
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4931] vst4cs not working

I've just checked out your sources for vst4cs, and they produce a crash 
when calling the plug in's main function. This happens on line 317 
(might not match since I get double spaces) that reads:

    aeffect = main((audioMasterCallback) VSTPlugin::Master);

Can you take a look?
