| Hi Michael,
I'm checking out your changes, and have a couple of newbie questions
regarding conventions.
Why do you separate each line by a blank line?
Would it bother you if I included some comment separators between some
functions as visual cues when scrolling rapidly?
When posting messages as: csound->Message are these messages turned off
by command line flags?
Can you explain what p->h.insdshead->nxtact does in line 195 in function
vstplug? I don't really know the csound API.
Do you agree we might get rid of vstinst, since vstplug already contains
all functionality for both vst plug ins and vst instruments? I
originally thought there might be some differences, but I don't see any now.
My implementation of vstnote contains an additional first parameter that
triggers the note on message. I think this might be useful.
One last question: when defining the parameters for an opcode in the
OENTRY vstOentry[] list, is there a symbol for optional audio rate
parameters. I didn't find any reference to that on the Csound Book. This
would be useful when vstplug is used for a vst instrument, so you don't
need to create dummy a-rate variables to fill the spaces.
Thanks, thanks, thanks,
Andrés |