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[Cs-dev] eqfil manual confusion

Date2008-05-21 22:14
FromJonatan Liljedahl
Subject[Cs-dev] eqfil manual confusion
"The amplitude response for this filter will be flat (=1) for kgain=0.
With kgain is bigger than 1, there will be a peak at the centre
frequency, whose width is given by the kbw parameter, but outside this
band, the response will tend towards 1. Conversely, if kgain is smaller
than 1, a notch will be created around the CF."

Is it flat with kgain==0 or 1? The first part says it's at 0, but at the
end it says that smaller than 1 creates a notch.

/Jonatan         [ http://kymatica.com ]

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