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[CSOUND-DEV:3867] Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5

Date2004-01-02 16:32
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3867] Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5
I have built Csound4.23 using the wxCsound tar file. I had no problems
building it for Cygwin. I was still able to build the Csound API dll and
csound.exe itself with -mno-cygwin, which is what I need for my projects,
although the build did not complete. I see that csound.exe is a client of
the API.

Now I am wondering, what is keeping this build system from moving into the
Csound package proper?

I am now planning to adapt this build system for Csound 5. 

How does one move or rename a directory in CVS, especially using WinCVS?

Original Message:
From:  ramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Date: 02 Jan 2004 11:18:18 -0500
To: csound-dev@eartha.mills.edu
Subject: [CSOUND-DEV:3865] Re: csound 4.23

jpff@codemist.co.uk writes:

> Who changed all the file lay out so I can no longer fix bugs?

The only change I made is the one you have already heard about, the
files used to build the csound library and the csound executable have
been moved into their own directory.  If the change I made is
preventing you from fixing bugs, please describe in what way it does


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Date2004-01-02 17:26
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3870] Re: Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5
"gogins@pipeline.com"  writes:

> Now I am wondering, what is keeping this build system from moving
> into the Csound package proper?

I have yet to implement the fix you identified, the one in which I
must add -mconsole to the end of the linking command for the
appropriate binaries when compiling with FLTK on Windows and Cygwin.
I'll get to it soon.  Once this is fixed, the GNU build system will be
good to go, and I expect quite stable.  I have heard no requests for
any other changes.

> I am now planning to adapt this build system for Csound 5. 
> How does one move or rename a directory in CVS, especially using WinCVS?

As near as I can tell, you can't do either of these two operations.  I
think what you must do is import the sources in your new organization,
and then delete files in the old directories.  The old directories
will persist, but you can just ignore them.  When I did the
reorganization in the csound module, I used AWK and SED to automated
the process, but I have no idea how one would do the same with


Date2004-01-02 17:33
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3871] Re: Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5
"gogins@pipeline.com"  writes:

> I have built Csound4.23 using the wxCsound tar file.

By the way, a GNU build system based distribution is in the wxcsound
release package, version 1.0.2, as csound-4.23.1.tar.gz.  This version
builds on Mac OSX, or at least on the Mac OSX machine in the
SourceForge compile farm.


Date2004-01-02 17:40
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3873] Resizing Fl_Tabs
The current version of flCsound contains a tabbing group that displays
either a transcript of a Csound rendering, or plots generated by the
rendering.  Resizing flCsound does the right thing with one
exception.  The tabs in the tabbing group change size, when their
height is supposed to remain unchanged.  How does one allow the
resizing of the contents of a tabbing group without allowing changes
to the height of the tabs?


Date2004-01-02 19:34
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3878] Re: Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5
"gogins@pipeline.com"  writes:

> Now I am wondering, what is keeping this build system from moving
> into the Csound package proper?

I just realized one other problem with the current GNU build system in
the csound module.  While it builds shared libraries on Cygwin, Linux,
and Mac OSX, the building of shared libraries on Cygwin with
-mno-cygwin seems to continue to fail.  The generated libtool script
seems to fail to recognize libraries correctly, but now, only when
using the -mno-cygwin option.  The libtool script generated by a
distribution built on Red Hat Linux fails for both configuration
options on Cygwin.  I bet that is a big hint as to what is broken.


Date2004-01-03 16:42
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3885] Re: Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5
"gogins@pipeline.com"  writes:

> Now I am wondering, what is keeping this build system from moving into the
> Csound package proper?


As you requested, I changed the GNU build system in the csound module
so it adds the -mconsole option to the linker command used for console
applications on Cygwin.  As a result, the Cygwin build produces an
FLTK enabled console version of csound.exe.  Note that I had to change
csound/winFLTK.c too, as X is not usually available in Cygwin.


Probably the best way to incorporate John ffitch's most recent patches
to Csound 4.23 is to create a unified context diff (diff -ur) between
his version, and an exported version of this module using the last
version before the reorg, which has a tag of csound-4_23a2.  That is,

cvs export -r csound-4_23a2 csound

The resulting diff can be fed into patch and applied in the most
current csound directory.  Hopefuly, the clean up afterwards will not
be too difficult.  Anyone want to volunteer to perform the update?


Date2004-01-03 20:16
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3886] Re: Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5
"gogins@pipeline.com"  writes:

> I have built Csound4.23 using the wxCsound tar file. I had no
> problems building it for Cygwin. I was still able to build the
> Csound API dll and csound.exe itself with -mno-cygwin, which is what
> I need for my projects, although the build did not complete. I see
> that csound.exe is a client of the API.

I should have said this before, but if you have a specific bug you
want me to fix, please give me more details.  As far as I know, the
GNU build system in the csound module is in good shape with the a few
exceptions associated with building shared libraries.  In other words,
a libtool-less version of the system is release quality.  The only
problems I have observed is there seems to be errors while producing
shared libraries on Cygwin with -mno-cygwin, and on MinGW.
Furthermore, repeatedly running a rendering built on these systems
with static libraries causes a memory addressing error.

Remember, when building a distribution from the sources, one must use
the autoreconfig on a recent version of Cygwin.  The one on Red Hat 9
is not good enough.

I also now feel comfortable letting a few others look at flCsound.  It
is oriented toward rending CSD files and displaying any plots they
generate in a single window.  After much thought, I realize this
simplified GUI is something I'm much more likely to use instead of the
one provided by wxCsound.  I prefer to use Emacs to edit no matter the
platform.  The flCsound program is available in the flcsound module in
the CVS repository.  As compared with wxCsound, it is Fast and Light!


Date2004-01-04 01:01
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3888] Re: Autotools build for csound4.23 and csound5
ramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell) writes:

> Probably the best way to incorporate John ffitch's most recent
> patches ...

I ended up just importing the new flanger.c, version.h, dl_opcodes.c,
and all_strings and calling it a night.
