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Re: [Cs-dev] scons install problem

Date2006-03-16 17:41
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem

Date2006-03-16 18:14
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem

Date2006-03-16 18:19
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem

Date2006-03-16 19:03
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem
Are you building the libraries with -fPIC ?  Seems necessary on x86_64. 
==John ffitch

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Date2006-03-16 19:27
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem
Just about to go to tai chi, but my main machine at home is an AMD64
and that is why there is the WORD=64 case.  I build using scons with
lots of option.  on the other hand I use SUSE9.3 and so use packaged
portmidi and other stuff.  Build libsndfile myself, but that knows
about -fPIC and other 64bit stuff (thanks Erik).
  Try mailing me direct if you need more tomorrow -- will be reading
early mail at home (the codemist address)
==John ffitch

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that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2006-03-17 01:29
FromIain Duncan
Subject[Cs-dev] scons install problem
I recently switched to gentoo64. Some problems I now have building
csound5, dunno the source:

- scons install no longer installs the binary
- building with portmidi does not work, I get a bad value error for


This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2006-03-17 02:00
FromIain Duncan
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem
> Try using install.py instead (you may want to edit the target directories
> at the top of the file first, if this is needed on gentoo64).


>>- building with portmidi does not work, I get a bad value error for
> No idea about this, but having more details would possibly be of some
> help. You may also use ALSA MIDI instead of PortMidi if the latter does
> not work.

I tried building my own portmidi test app and it worked ok, so not sure
what is wrong. The message I get from scons is:

scons: Building targets ...
gcc -Wl,-Bdynamic -shared -o libpmidi.so InOut/pmidi.os -L. -L.
-L/usr/local/lib64 -L. -L. -lsndfile -lportmidi -lporttime -lasoun d
lib64/libportmidi.a(portmidi.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local
symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; reco mpile with -fPIC
could not read symbols: Bad value

As to using alsamidi, I don't seem to be having any luck with that
either. What should I pass to -M when wanting to use the first alsa midi
device on the system? I am getting the following output from csound when
using -M0 or -M1:

ALSA lib rawmidi.c:283:(snd_rawmidi_open_noupdate) Unknown RawMidi 1
ALSA: error opening MIDI input device
 *** error opening MIDI in device: -1 (Unknown MIDI error)


This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2006-03-17 02:08
FromIain Duncan
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem
> Try using install.py instead (you may want to edit the target directories
> at the top of the file first, if this is needed on gentoo64).

Install.py will not run if it detects that scons install ran ( or tried
too ). scons install *seemed* to work, but I had no "csound" in /usr/bin
or /usr/local/bin. I made links manually for /usr/bincsound and
/usr/include/csound.h to the csound5 directory, but I'm not sure if that
is the right way to go.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2006-03-17 03:18
FromIain Duncan
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem
> Are you building the libraries with -fPIC ?  Seems necessary on x86_64. 
> ==John ffitch

No, and that would explain why I am not able to do things the way I
could before! Thanks. Which libraries should I rebuild with -fPIC? ( and
if you have time, why? )


This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2006-03-17 07:20
FromIain Duncan
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] scons install problem
> Just about to go to tai chi, but my main machine at home is an AMD64
> and that is why there is the WORD=64 case.  I build using scons with
> lots of option.  on the other hand I use SUSE9.3 and so use packaged
> portmidi and other stuff.  Build libsndfile myself, but that knows
> about -fPIC and other 64bit stuff (thanks Erik).
>   Try mailing me direct if you need more tomorrow -- will be reading
> early mail at home (the codemist address)
> ==John ffitch

Thanks, any further tips would be great. I am quite confused by the way
libs get built and installed on my new system. If I successfully compile
from source, does that mean I am making a 64 bit binary given that I am
doing from 64bit gentoo? Or is there more to it than that?

And how best to make sure things get the -fPIC and other 64bit stuff?
Portmidi doesn't have a ./configure layer, etc.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language
that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast
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