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[CSOUND-DEV:4222] Bad gets.r in 4.23f11

Date2004-03-02 19:48
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4222] Bad gets.r in 4.23f11
Thanks to John again for making the Mac-specific changes in 4.23f11.
Unfortunately, the version of gets.r included seems to be an older, faulty
version.  Using it, I get bogus messages again:

Using STR# 128
tablexkt: not initialisedCsound Version 4.23 (nd FAT)
orchname:  Projects:Temporary:table-lookup osc.orc
scorename: Projects:Temporary:table-lookup osc.sco
orch compiler:
76 lines read
sorting score ...
    ... done
Csound Version 4.23 (nd FAT)
tablexkt: not initialisedorch now loaded

There appear to be two strings labeled #1572 in this file:
    "pvsynth: Not Initialised.\n", /* 1572 */
    "fsig = : formats are different.\n", /* 1572 */
The second one should not be there.

I believe that I arrived at a "correct" version of the file by extracting
the gets.r from 4.23f07 and then correcting the quotation marks on strings
#1809 and #1812.

I am curious how this file is created.  Since it must remain in sync with
the other string lists, is there a script to generate gets.r?  If not, would
it be useful for me to create one?


Anthony Kozar

Date2004-03-05 07:00
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4236] Re: Bad gets.r in 4.23f11
mea culpa.  I used the latest version on my Linux machines, and forgot
that the Mac sources were more uptodate on this.

The file was created from the English strings with emacs macros.  Yes
it does need to remain in sync but usually this is no hassle as it is
only one file to edit.

==John ffitch