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Re: [Csnd-dev] OENTRY character for single opcode argument of any type

Date2016-12-20 11:06
FromNate Whetsell
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] OENTRY character for single opcode argument of any type
> Can you supply us with an introductory paragraph for the news?

Here’s the introduction from csound-api’s README.md with some minor changes:

The [csound-api](https://github.com/nwhetsell/csound-api) package is a [Node.js Addon](https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) for using Csound through its C [API](https://csound.github.io/docs/api/index.html). The functions in this package try to match the functions in Csound’s API as closely as possible, and this package adds a [`PerformAsync`](https://github.com/nwhetsell/csound-api#PerformAsync) function that runs Csound in a background thread. If you `require` this package using

const csound = require('csound-api');

then you can use Csound’s API as, for example,

function messageCallback(attributes, string) {
const Csound = csound.Create();
csound.SetMessageCallback(Csound, messageCallback);
csound.Message(Csound, 'hello, world');

The equivalent in C would be something like

void messageCallback(CSOUND *Csound, int attributes, const char *format, va_list argumentList) {
  vprintf(format, argumentList);
CSOUND *Csound = csoundCreate(NULL);
csoundSetMessageCallback(Csound, messageCallback);
csoundMessage(Csound, "hello, world");