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Date2004-05-31 17:33
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4778] RE: FLTK
Since we appear to have made a commitment to scons, I would say config.h
should be removed long with all references to it in code.

(Although there is a way to get scons to make its own config.h instead of
passing -D options on the compiler command line! But I think this is harder
than what we currently are doing.)

Original Message:
From:  jpff@codemist.co.uk
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 15:17:54 +0100
To: csound-dev@eartha.mills.edu
Subject: [CSOUND-DEV:4777] FLTK

The H/config.h has a HAVE_FLTK flag but the code uses USE_FLTK.  Is
H/config.h not used anymore?  If so can it be removed to simplify

I am looking at the Macintosh at present, and despite having FLTK on
the machine it is not setting USE_FLTK, and not defining the opcodes.

==John ffitch

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