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[CSOUND-DEV:4029] Re: How to configure

Date2004-01-31 14:13
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:4029] Re: How to configure
Thanks for your response. This should help me sort out what I am doing. I
may get everything building on Cygwin this weekend, and if so I will commit
my changes. 

After that, I plan to tackle the excessive multitude of ways to print
messages. I will also try to produce a csound.h that can be used as a
single Csound #include by API users and by opcode programmers without,
however, getting rid of csdl.h, which I have considerably extended to get
more opcodes to link on Cygwin with -no-undefined.

I have not really begun to think about re-entrancy, but that might be next.

Just out of curiousity, what research purposes?

Original Message:
From:  jpff@codemist.co.uk
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 12:45:00 +0000
To: csound-dev@eartha.mills.edu, csound-dev@eartha.mills.edu
Subject: [CSOUND-DEV:4028] Re: How to configure

>>>>> "gogins" == gogins@pipeline com  writes:

 gogins> The situation as I understand it is thus. Please, anyone
 gogins> involved correct me if I am wrong.

 gogins> In short, the build system story is complicated by hopes to
 gogins> soon release Csound 5.

 gogins> I and John Ramsdell have been urging adoption of a GNU
 gogins> autotools build system for Csound. I have always found the
 gogins> old makefile-based system unusable, and have always ended up
 gogins> creating my own makefiles.

I realise that I am in a minority but I find Makefiles rather
straightforward.  I was however persuaded to use configure for Csound5

 gogins> John Fitch (I think) implemented a new build system based on
 gogins> a configure.in and makefile.in for Csound 4. I criticized
 gogins> this as not using automake, and John Ramsdell changed the
 gogins> build system to use recursive Makefile.ams, but John Fitch
 gogins> does not use it, and has complained it has caused him serious
 gogins> problems. Therefore, John Ramsdell has adopted his new build
 gogins> system only in his own package (wxCsound).

I had a configure for Csound but it was really aimed at v5.  The
changes to the make in v4.23 completed destroyed my tree and I had to
recover from the Windows machine.  I just do not know how to get back
in step, but as I am only doing bug fixes on 4.23 this should not
worry anyone.

 gogins> I am trying to get Csound 5 into a releasable state and have
 gogins> stopped contributing to Csound 4. I am working on a new build
 gogins> system, with a single Makefile.am, in Csound 5, with the
 gogins> existing directory structure.

 gogins> I changed my mind about changing the directory structure,
 gogins> since John Fitch's existing directories helpfully reflect the
 gogins> structure of the Csound code while it is in transition.

It was the changes to directory structure which was a pain I think.

 gogins> The advantage of my new build system is that extending Csound
 gogins> will require merely adding new sources to the one
 gogins> Makefile.am.

My concerns are still things like Debian not having (in Stable) the
latest autoconf tools.  I rather hope not to have to learn yet another
building system.  I am user to configure-make-make install like I have
done in the last weeks for the kernel, clamd, spamassassin, exim, ....

 gogins> I am making good progress, but I am only testing on
 gogins> Cygwin. When the system is working on Cygwin I will be able
 gogins> to test it on Red Hat Linux at home, but I have no easy way
 gogins> of testing on any other Linux or on OS X.

I am currently running a Redhat7.3 with many (source and rpm)
revisions, on a variety of processors and speeds, as well as a Debian
Stable, and possibly from next week a GenToo system.  I can test on
these without confusing my masters which are on the portable.

 gogins> It is not clear when Csound 5 will be released, but when it
 gogins> is, it will at least use libsndfile, PortAudio, and PortMidi,
 gogins> have a better plugin architecture as well as a standard GUI
 gogins> front end, and have a single build system for all GNU-able
 gogins> systems, including Windows (with Cygwin).

libsndfile is now in my mind a certainty.  As is PortAudio.  PortMidi
still needs work.  Certainly will have the API structure -- I need a
callable, reentrant Csound for research purposes.  I wish I had a
better idea of time-scale.  I am supposed to be marking at present so
time is scarce.  I really do want to incorporate the parser, but that
needs about 10 days without distraction.  linsndfile needs a couple of
days to a workable system, and 2 days after that to clean out the

==John ff

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