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[Cs-dev] Score Rewinding

Date2005-05-11 03:31
From"Michael Gogins"
Subject[Cs-dev] Score Rewinding
I have made some changes to the score rewinding code that bring the 
functionality back to what it originally was.

In musmon.c and in csound.c, I removed the code that inserted an 'a' score 
event to advance the time, and I added code that simply subtracts the offset 
seconds from the current score time and beat. Obviously there is no effect 
if the offset is 0 as it is by default.

In other words, with an offset of 5, an event at 5 begins immediately, and 
all subsequent events are similarly offset.

I also added code to test for csoundIsScorePending_. If true, processing is 
exactly as before. If false, processing is also exactly as before, every 
score event is read, times are computed, and so on, except that 'i' events 
are simply not inserted into the performance, so they don't sound.

I think the problems that Istvan brought up with respect to 'always on' 
events for effect processing, etc., will still be a problem. Also, if you 
hit the pause or stop button in Cubase and the score is set to not pending, 
events that have already started to play continue to play until they turn 
themselves off.

Still, this at least gets the code back to working the way it used to. It is 
again possible to run CsoundVST as a plugin that contains a standalone 
Csound score, and to write notation for Csound or other plugin softsynths 
that plays in sync with the Csound score.

I imagine the same would hold true in csoundapi_tilde, if it uses the API 
the same way that CsoundVST does.


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Date2005-05-11 09:50
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Score Rewinding
Michael Gogins wrote:

> In musmon.c and in csound.c, I removed the code that inserted an 'a' 
> score event to advance the time,

What was wrong with that ?

> and I added code that simply subtracts  the offset seconds from the current
 > score time and beat.

Which will not work at least in the case of MIDI files (unlike 'a', which
did), and beat mode.

> I also added code to test for csoundIsScorePending_. If true, processing 
> is exactly as before. If false, processing is also exactly as before, 
> every score event is read, times are computed, and so on, except that 
> 'i' events are simply not inserted into the performance, so they don't 
> sound.

However, this does not pause playback, but rather than that, mutes events.
And, needless to say, has no effect at all on notes from MIDI files.

@@ -305,11 +305,8 @@
        csound->Message(csound, Str("playing from cscore.srt\n"));
        O->usingcscore = 0;
      csound->Message(csound, Str("SECTION %d:\n"), ++ST(sectno));
-    /* apply score offset if non-zero */
-    if (csound->csoundScoreOffsetSeconds_ > FL(0.0))
-      csound->SetScoreOffsetSeconds(csound, csound->csoundScoreOffsetSeconds_);

Why was this removed ?

                                       /* since we are running in components */
      return 0;                        /* we exit here to playevents later   */

@@ -796,10 +795,10 @@
          case 'q':
          case 'i':
          case 'f':
          case 'a':
-          p->nxtim = (double) e->p[2] + p->timeOffs;
-          p->nxtbt = (double) e->p2orig + p->beatOffs;
+          p->nxtim = (double) e->p[2] + p->timeOffs - csound->csoundScoreOffsetSeconds_;
+          p->nxtbt = (double) e->p2orig + p->beatOffs - csound->csoundScoreOffsetSeconds_ / p->beatTime;

p->nxtbt is wrong. You did assume that tempo can never change during performance, right ?

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