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[Cs-dev] csound5gui and winsound stop/exit crashes on Windows

Date2008-02-23 21:44
From"Michael Gogins"
Subject[Cs-dev] csound5gui and winsound stop/exit crashes on Windows
Fixed a major bug in which the Csound memory manager (C style) was
allocating and deallocating a C++ structure (WIDGETS_GLOBALS). 
If new is not called for WIDGETS_GLOBALS, the constructors of its 
std::vector collections are not called. Then in the widget 
csoundDestroyModule function, invalid vectors are iterated, 
causing an access violation. Fixed by using standard C++
new and delete for the structure to ensure proper creation of its
vector members. This is OK because by calling csoundModuleInit
and csoundModuleDestroy, Csound is permitting the module to 
manage its own memory.

This was causing csound5gui to crash on exit or stopping in the MSVC build.


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