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[Csnd-dev] setting macros through API?

Date2015-10-23 21:35
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd-dev] setting macros through API?
 I would like to pass some string macros to Csound on startup but it won't work right when I'm sending strings. I would like to send messages like
colour("red"), size(100, 100), text("Hello")

I can send the strings on channels and retrieve them. I can also use strset but this also invovle retrieving the value. I would love to be able to do this:

-odac --omacro:ATTRIBS="colour(\"red\"), size(100, 100), text(\"Hello\")"

and then call it directly as

prints $ATTRIBS

Any ideas? I see the S_MACRO Struct. Any way of popping some strings into one of those?