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[Cs-dev] Manual redraft: Building Csound: all platforms

Date2008-03-17 07:10
Subject[Cs-dev] Manual redraft: Building Csound: all platforms
Please indicate if you know whether any of these dot point DON'T apply  
to a csound build on a particular platform:
So for example, in the first dot point, it's not clear whether the OR  
is XOR or not i.e I assume the Windows multimedia library is for  
Windows only, but can it alternatively (or also) use either ALSA raw  
MIDI interface, or PortMidi. And can Mac OSX or OS9 or Linux use the  
ALSA raw MIDI interface?
Is it appropriate to recommend any preferences here?

Is dot point 2 is actually talking about python as an embedded  
interpreter of csound, and csound as an extension of python? Or not  
the latter at all?
Does the csound library (accessed vi csnd.py or it's java equivalent  
API) require FLTK, etc?

dot point 3. Any objections to capitalising Fluid in dot-point 3?

I assume the Fluid, STK and Loris opcodes work on all platforms.  OK?

dot point 6. Are there no other dependencies for OSC opcodes on  
platforms other than Windows, other than http://plugin.org.uk/liblo ?
dot point 7. IO assume this is for building the API python/Java  
wrappers. Is it assumed that the build will always need SWIG? Any  
version restrictions? (My experience with it is that it's pretty clean).
The dot points
1.    *  Real-time MIDI can use the ALSA raw MIDI interface (requires  
alsa-dev), Windows multimedia library, or PortMidi from www.cs.cmu.edu/~music/portmusic 

2.     * CsoundAC, which is both a standalone GUI and a Python  
extension module with extensive facilities for algorithmic  
composition, requires FLTK and the boost C++ template libraries for  
random numbers and linear algebra, from http://www.boost.org. The  
CsoundAC Random class requires that boost must be later than version  

3.    * The fluid opcodes require the Fluidsynth library from http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/fluid 
. For Windows, use the prebuilt binaries.

4.     * The STK opcodes require STK source code from http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk 
, copied into csound5/Opcodes/stk.

5.    * The Loris opcodes require Loris source code from http://sourceforge.net/projects/loris 
, copied into csound5/Opcodes/Loris.

6.     * The OSC opcodes require the latest version of the liblo  
library from http://plugin.org.uk/liblo. On Windows, liblo requires a  
Windows version of the POSIX thread library (pthreads) which is  
available from http://sourceware.org/pthreads-win32; copy  
libpthreadGC2.a to libpthread.a. You may also need the latest version  
of autoconf from MinGW.

7.     * Install the Software Interface and Wrapper Generator (SWIG)  
for generating Python and Java interfaces, from http://www.swig.org.


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Date2008-03-17 13:31
From"Andres Cabrera"
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Manual redraft: Building Csound: all platforms
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