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[Csnd-dev] Manual for Csound7

Date2025-02-26 17:52
FromFrancois PINOT
Subject[Csnd-dev] Manual for Csound7
Dear devs,

The new mkdocs version of the manual is now the develop branch of the manual on github. The other branches are locked (read only). Each time a commit is pushed on this develop branch, a CI action is launched and the result is visible here: https://csound.com/manual/

I noticed  a continuous-integration/appveyor/branch error. Is this appveyor build still needed?



Date2025-02-26 18:26
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] Manual for Csound7
Great work guys. :+1

On Wed, 26 Feb 2025 at 17:52, Francois PINOT <fggpinot@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear devs,

The new mkdocs version of the manual is now the develop branch of the manual on github. The other branches are locked (read only). Each time a commit is pushed on this develop branch, a CI action is launched and the result is visible here: https://csound.com/manual/

I noticed  a continuous-integration/appveyor/branch error. Is this appveyor build still needed?

