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Re: [Csnd-dev] new manual Csound Plugins

Date2024-06-17 13:01
FromMenno Knevel
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] new manual Csound Plugins
yes, i was thinking about using mkdocs, but, as usual, i do not know anything about it.
Yesterday I cloned the Csound plugin repo and tried things out manually: https://github.com/tjingboem/plugins/blob/develop/docs/opcodes/link_create.md

i do not know anything about risset either but if things could be generated automatically that would be great.
Can i contact you about this, Eduardo?

Date2024-06-17 13:28
FromEduardo Moguillansky
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] new manual Csound Plugins
The structure of a mkdocs project is very simple. In the case of a manual for 3rd party plugins, each opcode would need a manual page as markdown, in the form <opcodename>.md. Then you need an index.md file which links to each opcode with a short description of the opcode. This index could be generated by a python script. 
Then you need a mkdocs.yml file

The folder structure would look like this:

You can adapt the mkdocs.yml from the repository you cloned. You can use syntax-highlighting.css from that same repository as is. To build locally (for testing) you would call mkdocs at the root folder

$ manual> mkdocs build

This will create a 'site' folder with the generated docs as html. You can use a service like readthedocs to host the manual, or just use github pages (mkdocs can upload to it directly), see https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/deploying-your-docs


On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 2:01 PM Menno Knevel <magknevel@gmail.com> wrote:
yes, i was thinking about using mkdocs, but, as usual, i do not know anything about it.
Yesterday I cloned the Csound plugin repo and tried things out manually: https://github.com/tjingboem/plugins/blob/develop/docs/opcodes/link_create.md

i do not know anything about risset either but if things could be generated automatically that would be great.
Can i contact you about this, Eduardo?