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Re: [Csnd-dev] tabw manual page

Date2024-06-14 08:08
FromMenno Knevel
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] tabw manual page
thanks for breaking the radio silence.
I have are-activated the tabw manual page information and all links to these pages. There is even a nice example from Stefano Cucchi added to the page!

Date2024-06-14 10:40
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] tabw manual page
Sounds good 👍

On Fri 14 Jun 2024, 08:08 Menno Knevel, <magknevel@gmail.com> wrote:
thanks for breaking the radio silence.
I have are-activated the tabw manual page information and all links to these pages. There is even a nice example from Stefano Cucchi added to the page!