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[Csnd-dev] centroid in manual

Date2024-05-30 08:37
FromMenno Knevel
Subject[Csnd-dev] centroid in manual
This is the last opcode to be categorized but am not sure where. 
It takes in an audio signal, does fft work on it and calculates the center frequency (pitch) from that. 
Is it convolution? Or a Array-based spectral opcode? or both?

Date2024-05-30 08:52
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd-dev] centroid in manual
It’s a signal analysis opcode, so you could put it together with rms etc, and/or with the pitch trackers.
Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University

> On 30 May 2024, at 08:37, Menno Knevel  wrote:
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> This is the last opcode to be categorized but am not sure where.
> It takes in an audio signal, does fft work on it and calculates the center frequency (pitch) from that.
> Is it convolution? Or a Array-based spectral opcode? or both?