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[Csnd-dev] Externals

Date2024-05-23 19:08
FromMenno Knevel
Subject[Csnd-dev] Externals
Hi all,

i was thinking of adding manual pages to the Opcodes Overview. For an overview of the Arduino opcodes, Faust opcodes, Streaming LPC opcodes etc.
where all these opcodes can be found and linked to and from.

It looks like these opcodes (apart from perhaps the Streaming LPC opcodes) should get their own folder? Or perhaps we could come up with a folder named Externals, where the Faust folder and Arduino folder could find a home?

Thoughts anyone?

Date2024-05-24 08:50
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] Externals
I think it is a good idea. The LPC opcodes are all internal, so they can be treated just like pvs etc
The others, some are part of Csound, some are in the plugin libraries distributed separately.
In Csound there are two basic categories of opcodes

1) Internals: built into Csound. 

2) Externals: plugins, some of which are provided with Csound and others are
in separately distributed libraries

Csound 7 can be built as

- All of its own provided plugins as internals, except for the ones with external dependencies
(I think OSC opcodes are the only ones in this category)

- A combination of internal opcodes and plugin libraries.

Different distributions may choose to do one or another. I think the best way to handle it
is to note the opcodes that are not provided in one way or another as part of Csound. These
are provided by separately build libraries. We can assemble a list of these here.

> On 23 May 2024, at 19:08, Menno Knevel  wrote:
> Hi all,
> i was thinking of adding manual pages to the Opcodes Overview. For an overview of the Arduino opcodes, Faust opcodes, Streaming LPC opcodes etc.
> where all these opcodes can be found and linked to and from.
> It looks like these opcodes (apart from perhaps the Streaming LPC opcodes) should get their own folder? Or perhaps we could come up with a folder named Externals, where the Faust folder and Arduino folder could find a home?
> Thoughts anyone?