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[Csnd-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: New executable release of csound-wasm with WebAssembly builds of Csound and CsoundAC

Date2024-01-18 21:36
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: New executable release of csound-wasm with WebAssembly builds of Csound and CsoundAC
Announcing a new executable release of csound-wasm, which provides a WebAssembly build of CsoundAudioNode (which conforms more closely to the standard CsoundAPI than the canonical Csound build) and of my algorithmic composition library CsoundAC. This release can be downloaded from: https://github.com/gogins/csound-wasm/releases. Please post bug reports or suggestions to: https://github.com/gogins/csound-wasm/issues. You can hear and see these libraries in action at: https://gogins.github.io/. Changes: WebAssembly is now built with DWARF debug information to enable source level debugging in Chrome DevTools. There is a new CsoundAudioNode.GetFileData(filename) method that can be used to download a file that Csound has rendered, e.g. using the “fout” opcode, from the AudioWorkletGlobalScope to the browser’s JavaScript context. The Csound and CsoundAC sources have been updated.

Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com