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[Cs-dev] barmodel opcode is fun

Date2006-03-11 04:01
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[Cs-dev] barmodel opcode is fun

Just a note to say that I am enjoying playing with the new barmodel opcode.
It took me a while to figure out a set of decent parameters without
documentation but I did eventually get some nice sounds out of it.  :)

One thing I noticed was that the amplitude "envelope" of the output falls
and rises to and from zero several times over the course of the decay.  Is
this expected ?  Perhaps I am not using it correctly.

Here is my csd:

sr     = 44100
kr     = 4410
ksmps  = 10
nchnls = 1

instr 1

    kleftclamp  =  1
    krightclamp =  3
    istiffness  =  9.0
    ihighdamp   =  0.001
    kscan       =  0.1     ; ???
    idecaytime  =  25.0    ; seconds
    ipos        =  1.0     ; right side?
    ivel        =  1500.0
    iwidth      =  0.2     ; btw 0 and 1 ?
    aout  barmodel  kleftclamp, krightclamp, istiffness, ihighdamp, \
                    kscan, idecaytime, ipos, ivel, iwidth
          out       aout

i1 0 10


Thanks to John for adding this!  I would definitely be interested in more
opcodes similar to this one!!

Anthony Kozar
anthonykozar AT sbcglobal DOT net

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Date2006-03-14 10:39
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] barmodel opcode is fun

Date2006-03-14 19:58
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] barmodel opcode is fun
>>>>> "Istvan" == Istvan Varga  writes:

 Istvan> On Saturday 11 March 2006 05:01, Anthony Kozar wrote:
 >> One thing I noticed was that the amplitude "envelope" of the output falls
 >> and rises to and from zero several times over the course of the decay.  Is
 >> this expected ?  Perhaps I am not using it correctly.

 Istvan> This seems to depend on the kscan parameter: a smaller value results in a
 Istvan> smoother exponential decay and less complex sound.

indeed, as it says in the manual (in part)

==John ffitch

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