| On 3/2/04 9:57 AM, gogins@pipeline.com etched in stone:
> As far as I'm concerned, there is no reason to preserve configuration
> choices where a third-party library does a good job and is available on the
> Csound platforms.
> As far as I know, that means we would lock Csound into libsndfile,
> libportaudio, and libfltk and remove other options.
Libsndfile seems good for just about everyone: Windows, *nix, MacOS X, MacOS
<= 9. BeOS has a POSIX compatibility layer, so it should work there as
well. I don't know enough about DOS though to say. And I would guess that
Amiga and Atari might be out of luck.
PortAudio and FLTK have smaller "audiences." I wanted to download the
latest PortAudio last week and try to get it working. I found out that
while the Legacy MacOS is on the agenda, no work has been done on supporting
that platform in v19. v18 supported Windows (MME & DirectX), Mac
SoundManager (OS 9), Mac CoreAudio (OS X), OSS, ASIO, Irix, and had alpha
support for BeOS. v19 is adding ALSA and Jack but MacOS 9 & X are
completely unimplemented and the OSS support looks pretty sketchy at this
point as well.
FLTK has very limited options but I don't think that really matters. GUI
interaction with orchestras is supposed to be moving into the host
applications, correct?
> I favor this. It would lead to another significant simplification of the
> code base and again reduce maintenance and porting effort, freeing up time
> for musically relevant work.
> This would represent a change of direction in Csound development. You in
> particular have taken pains to make Csound available on an amazing variety
> of platforms. How widely used are, for example, the Amiga and Atari ports,
> or Mac OS 9? What exactly ARE the Csound platforms that you want to
> continue to support?
Why don't we ask on the Csound list? It won't really tell us whether anyone
is using these platforms, but it might give us some idea.
I have been trying to keep a list of people who might be still using the
Mills port, just based on what they have said on the list. I only have 5 or
6 people right now, but I think there may still be some universities running
it in their labs as well.
BeOS, Amiga, and Atari haven't exactly been maintained recently. There does
not seem to be a recently compiled version for BeOS (July 2000 -- about 4.07
-- was the last that I could find). The Atari version seems to be from
1997. The last NeXT version was about 3.53 (1998). I don't even see an
Amiga version on the Dream site. And I have no idea what the "archie"
platform on the FTP site is. I also have never seen any signs of the old
VAX port which supposedly existed.
I have to wonder how many of these platforms would even still compile. But
I think we should ask the list to get a better feel for what platforms are
necessary. I would ask for BeOS, Amiga, Atari, NeXT, DOS, PowerMac with OS
7-9, 68K Mac with OS 7-8. Any others?
Anthony Kozar
anthony.kozar@utoledo.edu |