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[CSOUND-DEV:3306] Re: load_opcodes.c on MacOSX

Date2003-11-07 01:03
From"Michael Gogins"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3306] Re: load_opcodes.c on MacOSX
I hope John Fitch is reading these posts and can help here. He did recently
say that plugins work on Mac OS X. The implication is that they use the
regular BSD Unix dlopen and dlsym calls. This is plausible since OS X is
supposed to have a BSD Mach "kernel". But I'm no expert here. John? Matt?

Michael Gogins
gogins at pipeline period com
Irreducible Productions
Silence, a language for programming music and sound
Available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/silencevst/

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "stevenyi" 
To: "Csound Developers Discussion List" 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 1:26 AM
Subject: [CSOUND-DEV:3301] load_opcodes.c on MacOSX

> Okay, seems that on MacOSX the code would not work, and may be incorrect
> in dl_opcodes.c.  There's header #includes missing for:
> and after that, a number of other issues.  Anyways, I did find something
> I left on this Mac a while back, which is a dlcompat library from
> opendarwin.org.
> http://www.opendarwin.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/projects/dlcompat/
> is the link to the cvsweb interface.  Looking at the license it seems
> completely free to use however anyone would like, so compatibile with
> csound's license.  It's also pretty fully fleshed out, and not too large
> source code wise.  It's also been around a while and probably fairly
> well debugged.
> I think it might be easier to take out the the source I copied in to
> load_opcodes.c, add these files into cvs, and simple conditionally
> #include it with an #ifdef.
> Any thoughts on this?
> steven

Date2003-11-07 11:29
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3310] getstring.c

I updated Top/getstring.c so that it get its default directory from
XMGDIR.  Please add the following line to the Makefile.am that builds


This way, Top/getstring.c will get its default directory from the
generated Makefile.  I may have the quoting wrong, you may need more
of them.  I can't remember now.


Date2003-11-07 13:53
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3312] Re: load_opcodes.c on MacOSX
>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Gogins  writes:

 Michael> I hope John Fitch is reading these posts and can help here. He did recently
 Michael> say that plugins work on Mac OS X. The implication is that they use the
 Michael> regular BSD Unix dlopen and dlsym calls. This is plausible since OS X is
 Michael> supposed to have a BSD Mach "kernel". But I'm no expert here. John? Matt?
 Michael> Somebody?

What I said was it was supposed to work on Mac OSX but so far I had
not checked it out.  I was reading Apple Developers' documentation (*)
and it suggested that code to emulate the dl library of Linux and
other Unix systems.  So I included it.
  OSX has a Mach/Unix base but Apple in their wisdom have extended and
changed things quite a bit.  I keep falling over it as I am more used
to Unix than OS9, and most of the documentation assumes the inverse.

==John ffitch

(*) Yes I am an Apple developer in my second job