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[Cs-dev] Help request for XP

Date2006-08-10 09:30
Subject[Cs-dev] Help request for XP
I would very much like to be able to build Csound5 on Windows XP but I
am having a load of problems; it is tempting to blame the instability
of XP, as I am getting blue screens after a period, very slow actions,
inability to install some software (*) etc, but I have a long history of
not getting on with Windows -- only windows95 ever behaved stably!

Anyway, by question is about installing Msys, MinWG and Scons.  I
think I followed the instructions to install the first two, and I can
start Msys and get a bash window.  It even seems to call gcc when
asked.  I have installed Python and also scons, but I cannot find out
how to call scons, or even where the binary is.  I suspect search
paths but am not sure (a) what is needed and (b) how to do it.

I would appreciate some very simple step-by-step instructions

==John ffitch

(*) Failed software includes digital camera support, Windows XP64,
Windows updates.  CD is being read all the time, FireFox can take 3-5
minutes to load.... on a AMD64 at ~2GHz.  No problems on Linux though.

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Date2006-08-10 10:22
From"Steven Yi"
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Help request for XP

Date2006-08-10 14:54
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Help request for XP
1. After downloading and installing scons, you will have in your
Python24 directory, a subdirectory called  scons-0.96.1\script with
a scons script and a scons.bat batch file.

2. Move the scon script to the top-level Python24 directory and make sure
that one is in your Windows path variable (set this by right clicking on
my computer, selecting 'properties' and then in the 'advanced' tab click
on environment variables, 'PATH' is one of the system variables)

3. With that you can just run 'scons' from the MSYS shell.

4. You might want to set paths to headers/libraries etc in the custom.py
file, to reflect your system

If you have the dependencies (libsndfile etc), you can go ahead a build
csound 5 just like you do in Linux.

I hope this helps.


At 09:30 10/08/2006, you wrote:
>I would very much like to be able to build Csound5 on Windows XP but I
>am having a load of problems; it is tempting to blame the instability
>of XP, as I am getting blue screens after a period, very slow actions,
>inability to install some software (*) etc, but I have a long history of
>not getting on with Windows -- only windows95 ever behaved stably!
>Anyway, by question is about installing Msys, MinWG and Scons.  I
>think I followed the instructions to install the first two, and I can
>start Msys and get a bash window.  It even seems to call gcc when
>asked.  I have installed Python and also scons, but I cannot find out
>how to call scons, or even where the binary is.  I suspect search
>paths but am not sure (a) what is needed and (b) how to do it.
>I would appreciate some very simple step-by-step instructions
>==John ffitch
>(*) Failed software includes digital camera support, Windows XP64,
>Windows updates.  CD is being read all the time, FireFox can take 3-5
>minutes to load.... on a AMD64 at ~2GHz.  No problems on Linux though.
>Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
>Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier
>Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
>Csound-devel mailing list

Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth 

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