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[Cs-dev] linking with csound framework

Date2008-03-11 03:48
FromJonatan Liljedahl
Subject[Cs-dev] linking with csound framework
I'm trying to link to the csound framework from my app, building it
under MacPorts... I'm using autoconf and automake.

I see that libcsnd.dylib is present in /usr/local/lib but for some
reason this doesn't find it:

AC_SEARCH_LIBS(csoundCompile, [csound csnd], \

config.log says there isn't any _csoundCompile symbol in the lib...

passing -lcsnd in CFLAGS manually _does_ make the app link to csound,
but then my configure script doesn't know about it and since I have
conditional compile of csound support it won't be built.

any ideas?

/Jonatan         [ http://kymatica.com ]

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