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[CSOUND-DEV:5457] Time for a new Csound GBS release?

Date2004-11-22 13:32
Fromramsdell@mitre.org (John D. Ramsdell)
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5457] Time for a new Csound GBS release?
The ChangeLog and diffing in the Csound 4 sources tell me that both
John ffitch and Ben Collver have made important contributions since
the 4.23f12gbs.5 release.  Is it time for me to tag the current
version as 4_23f12gbs_6 and push out a release, or should I wait for
the incorporation of the changes being discussed associated with the
ctrl7 behavior?


Truncated ChangeLog:

2004-11-14  John ffitch  

	* util2/exports/het_import.c (main): Write binary file (thanks to
	Richard Dobson)

2004-10-31  Ben Collver 

	* csound/configure.ac:
	* csound/rtNetBSD.c:
	* csound/rtNetBSD.h:
	* csound/soundio.c:

	Add realtime audio support for NetBSD's native audio API, except MIDI.

2004-10-31  Ben Collver 

	* configure.ac:
	* csound/aifc.c:
	* csound/aiff.c:
	* csound/aops.c:
	* csound/argdecode.c:
	* csound/auxfd.c:
	* csound/cs.h:
	* csound/cvanal.c:
	* csound/diskin.c:
	* csound/dl_opcodes.c:
	* csound/dnoise.c:
	* csound/dumpf.c:
	* csound/hetro.c:
	* csound/linevent.c:
	* csound/load_opcodes.c:
	* csound/lpanal.c:
	* csound/main.c:
	* csound/memfiles.c:
	* csound/mididevice.c:
	* csound/midisend.c:
	* csound/pvanal.c:
	* csound/pvfileio.c:
	* csound/sdif.h:
	* csound/sfheader.c:
	* csound/sndinfo.c:
	* csound/soundin.c:
	* csound/soundio.c:
	* csound/sysdep.h:
	* csound/ugens4.c:
	* csound/wave.c:
	* csound/widgets.cpp:
	* util2/dnoise/dnoise.c:
	* util2/dnoise/srconv.c:
	* util2/dnoise.dir/dnoise.c:
	* util2/dnoise.dir/srconv.c:
	* util2/mixer/xtrct.c:
	* util2/scale/scale.c:
	* util2/scale.dir/scale.c:

	Add basic support for building on NetBSD.  At the moment this only works on NetBSD if you pass --disable-rtaudio to the configure script.  Things that are not yet handled: rtaudio for native audio API, MIDI, big-endian platform support.

2004-10-21  John ffitch  

	* csound/ugens6.c (delset): Round not truncate length of delay
	(deltap): Round not truncate length of delay

2004-10-12  Ben Collver 

	* csound/sfont.c (SoundFontLoad): Initialize pathnam in all cases, even when the soundfont file is loaded from the current directory or absolute path.

2004-09-07  John D. Ramsdell  

	* CVS: Tagged as csound-4_23f12gbs_5.

Date2004-11-22 14:37
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5458] Re: Time for a new Csound GBS release?
Why don't we wait for the ctrl7 stuff and then call it 4.23f13 ?  I would
also like to incorporate one small bug fix for the Mac side which I have not
committed yet.

Anthony Kozar

On 11/22/04 8:32 AM, John D. Ramsdell etched in stone:

> The ChangeLog and diffing in the Csound 4 sources tell me that both
> John ffitch and Ben Collver have made important contributions since
> the 4.23f12gbs.5 release.  Is it time for me to tag the current
> version as 4_23f12gbs_6 and push out a release, or should I wait for
> the incorporation of the changes being discussed associated with the
> ctrl7 behavior?
> John

Date2004-11-22 15:14
FromJohn ffitch
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5459] Re: Time for a new Csound GBS release?
Please wait untiul end of today -- VCictor has sent me the changes and I 
have only just finished the Csound lecture.
==John ff

Date2004-11-22 15:31
FromJohn ffitch
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:5460] Re: Time for a new Csound GBS release?
I know I have asked thsi before but....

jpff:~/Sourceforge/csound 345> autoreconf -i
jpff:~/Sourceforge/csound 346> ./configure
./configure: Command not found.
jpff:~/Sourceforge/csound 347> 

(different machine to last one which failed to build Csound)

Anyway it is committed and builds on one out of the three RH7.x machines
==John ff