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[Csnd-dev] 6.17 Release

Date2022-01-28 18:46
FromVictor Lazzarini
Subject[Csnd-dev] 6.17 Release
Are we ready to do this?
I would like to propose Monday as the release date. I will then make a release branch and prepare the MacOS and iOS packages. 

We will need a manual release before then, and then the Android and Windows packages.

Also it would be good to remove the Emscripten bits before then so that we have a clean source release. However, if this does not happen until Monday, we'll still go ahead.

There's an open ticket on mp3in for Windows. This will also have to be ready for Monday or we will just go ahead with the current status. 

Let me know if there's any reason why we should not ahead?

best regards


Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University

Date2022-01-28 22:13
FromStephen Kyne
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] 6.17 Release
I had a look at the mp3 issue for Windows but I can't quite figure out what's going on. I do see an issue running it locally but it's not necessarily the same issue as the user who reported it. 

Basically, it seems like there is an attempt to close a handle that has already been closed. I will try and look again over the weekend.


From: Csound-developers <CSOUND-DEV@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> on behalf of Victor Lazzarini <Victor.Lazzarini@MU.IE>
Sent: Friday 28 January 2022 18:46
Subject: [Csnd-dev] 6.17 Release
Are we ready to do this?
I would like to propose Monday as the release date. I will then make a release branch and prepare the MacOS and iOS packages.

We will need a manual release before then, and then the Android and Windows packages.

Also it would be good to remove the Emscripten bits before then so that we have a clean source release. However, if this does not happen until Monday, we'll still go ahead.

There's an open ticket on mp3in for Windows. This will also have to be ready for Monday or we will just go ahead with the current status.

Let me know if there's any reason why we should not ahead?

best regards


Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University

Date2022-01-29 22:24
Fromjoachim heintz
SubjectRe: [Csnd-dev] 6.17 Release
i just commited an extension of f-sigs to the UDO description of the manual:

but i think i was wrong: f-sigs are only possible as inputs, not outputs.

can you confirm?

On 28/01/2022 19:46, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
> Are we ready to do this?
> I would like to propose Monday as the release date. I will then make a release branch and prepare the MacOS and iOS packages.
> We will need a manual release before then, and then the Android and Windows packages.
> Also it would be good to remove the Emscripten bits before then so that we have a clean source release. However, if this does not happen until Monday, we'll still go ahead.
> There's an open ticket on mp3in for Windows. This will also have to be ready for Monday or we will just go ahead with the current status.
> Let me know if there's any reason why we should not ahead?
> best regards
> Victor
> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
> Maynooth University