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[Csnd-dev] Fwd: [EXTERNAL] [csound/csound] Run failed: csound_wasm - csound6 (04e4997)

Date2022-08-18 21:10
FromVictor Lazzarini
Subject[Csnd-dev] Fwd: [EXTERNAL] [csound/csound] Run failed: csound_wasm - csound6 (04e4997)
This might need some attention before we release. It's been like that for a long while.

Begin forwarded message:

From: vlazzarini <notifications@github.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [csound/csound] Run failed: csound_wasm - csound6 (04e4997)
Date: 18 August 2022 at 15:14:29 IST
Cc: Ci activity <ci_activity@noreply.github.com>

[csound/csound] Run failed: csound_wasm - csound6 (04e4997)


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[csound/csound] csound_wasm workflow run


csound_wasm: Some jobs were not successful

View workflow run
Compiling wasm bins
csound_wasm / Compiling wasm bins
Succeeded in 48 seconds
Browser bundle build and test
csound_wasm / Browser bundle build and test
Failed in 3 minutes and 42 seconds
annotations for csound_wasm / Browser bundle build and test 2
csound_wasm /
Failed in 0 seconds
annotations for csound_wasm / 1

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