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[Cs-dev] median filter

Date2010-05-14 16:06
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
Subject[Cs-dev] median filter
I've been thinking it would be good to have a median filter,
especially to massage the output of pitchtracking analysis. There is
one implemented as part of pitchamdf, but I don't know enough C to
extract it and make a separate opcode. It could prove very useful in
connection to e.g. the ptracvk opcode. As opposed to normal low pass
filtering, a median filter would be implemented by
- putting a series of values into a list (or array)
- sorting the values
- output of the filter would be the value at the index halfway through
the sorted array

kres   median   kinput, kfilterwidth

The filter width would determine the size of the array (could be
i-rate if that makes it a lot more efficient)
A k-rate filter would be sufficient for pitch tracking usage, with a
max filter width of perhaps 256.
It might also be interesting to have an a-rate version, to see if this
kind of filter maybe could be useful to remove clicks.

Would anyone volunteer to implement such a filter ?

all best


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