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[CSOUND-DEV:3883] Public domain release of all my Csound work

Date2004-01-03 13:09
From"Varga István"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3883] Public domain release of all my Csound work
I haven't read the list for a few months, but now, after browsing
through all the hundreds of messages, I found that some people have
concerns about legal issues regarding the use of my code, utilities,
and instruments. In particular, John ffitch wrote that he does not
include anything from my Csound 4.24.x versions (although I think
this has more to do with personal issues), because of the code being
"proprietary" (how ironical ...). Others (do not remember the names)are
interested in porting utilities to the Mac, or using instruments.

I would like to make it clear that *everything* that can be downloaded
from http://csounds.com/istvan/, as well as the 4.24.2 beta sources
posted to various lists (possibly also on csounds.com, even though there
is no link to it on the HTML pages) can be freely used by
*anyone* for *any* purpose. I would be grateful if I remain credited,
but I do not insist on it.

I do not think I am ever going to take part in public Csound development
again (in fact, I did not even look at the sources in the
last few months); it takes too much time, it is frustrating - unless
I receive donations (no chance for that) there is no reason for doing
that. This should explain why I chose to give away the sources and
all the other stuff. Hopefully there will be someone who finds these
works more useful than a few emacs macros.

Most megnyerheted a Palm Zire 71 kéziszámítógépet, ami digitális
fényképező és MP3 lejátszó is egyben. Kattints ide:

Date2004-01-04 03:47
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3889] Re: Public domain release of all my Csound work
Thanks very much Istvan!!

I can now finally publicly release the Mac ports of your utilities that I
did back in May.  Your generosity with the code is much appreciated and I
will be certain to always give you credit.

:) :)


On 1/3/04 8:09 AM, Varga István etched in stone:

> Others (do not remember the names)are
> interested in porting utilities to the Mac, or using instruments.
> I would like to make it clear that *everything* that can be downloaded
> from http://csounds.com/istvan/, as well as the 4.24.2 beta sources
> posted to various lists (possibly also on csounds.com, even though there
> is no link to it on the HTML pages) can be freely used by
> *anyone* for *any* purpose. I would be grateful if I remain credited,
> but I do not insist on it.