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[Cs-dev] mingw build report

Date2005-07-31 03:02
Subject[Cs-dev] mingw build report
Good news is I got csound5 to build without portmidi, but portmidi is a problem. 
I did manage to build portmidi on mingw despite no mingw mention in their docs (
weird ) by using a makefile I found on line. I linked a dummy app against
portmidi ok after doing this. But ...

Using scons I get the following output ( typed in by hand, hope it's right ):

g++ -shared -o -pmidi.dll InOut\pmidi.o -L. -L\usr\local\lib -L. -L.
-LC:\utah\usr\mingw\lib -LC:\utah\usr\msys\1.0\local\lib
-LC:\projects\csound5\cygwin_import_libs -LC:\utah\opt\pd-0.38-4-devel-2\bin
-lsndfile -lportmidi -lporttime -lwinmm -W1m--out-implib,libpmidi.a
Creating library file: libpmidi.a
./libportmidi.a(pmwin.o)(.text+0x1b): In function 'pm_init':
C:/WINDOWS/msys/1.0/mingw/portmidi/pm_win/pmwin.c:52: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: building terminated because of errors.
scons: *** [pmidi.dll] Error 1

So, I'm confused. Why are Mike's path names appearing in there? Why is it trying
to build libportmidi which I already built and copied into my mingw/lib file? (
As I did with libsndfile, which worked fine. ) I copied all my portmidi .h files
 to mingw/include and all my *.a and .dlls to mingw/lib and the .dll's to the
csound5 directory just in case. If anyone can shed some light on this, that
would be wonderful!


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