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Re: [Cs-dev] matlab interface

Date2008-03-15 09:04
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] matlab interface
AttachmentsNone  None  
1 -> csoundCompile()
2 -> you can use csoundInputMessage() or csoundScoreEvent(), in the first case
you can send a string containing the event(s) (i-, f-statements etc), with the other you send
p-fields in an array.
3 -> csoundPerformBuffer() to generate a csoundGetOutputBufferSize() buffer of
samples, accessed by csoundGetOutputBuffer()
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 6:58 AM
Subject: [Cs-dev] matlab interface

I hope this is the correct place to ask for help.  I apologize in advance if it is not.  I was hoping to cobble together a quick interface for matlab to/from csound using the API.  I can compile and build applications with the API just fine, I am just not sure how to go about this.  I am hoping to build the following functionality:

1) specify an orchestra file
2) update p-values
3) generate a buffer of audio (as quickly as computationally possible that i can send to matlab)
4) goto 2

Any help would be greatly appreciated and again I apologize if this is not the appropriate place to ask.


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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2008-03-15 16:09
From"Balan Clockfactory"
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] matlab interface
AttachmentsNone  None  None  None