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[CSOUND-DEV:3555] Reset vs. reentrancy

Date2003-11-26 21:56
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3555] Reset vs. reentrancy
Hello all, 

Does the reset functionality completely work already (i.e. in 4.23)??  Or
does the work on reentrancy need to be completed in order to restart Csound
from a tabula rasa state?

What I am getting at is does the split between the Mac front-end and the
Csound engine Perf -- which was created because Csound had no way to reset
its globals and run main() a second time -- still need to exist?  Or can
they finally be merged together into a single application?

If they can be merged, which functions would need to be called, the API's
csoundReset() or the mainReset() internal?  (I was just looking at the API
docs on csounds.com, so I don't know how much has changed since they were


Anthony Kozar

Date2003-11-26 22:13
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3558] Re: Reset vs. reentrancy
there are definitely still globals floating around not being set
right, in addition to memory leaks sometimes [although those might have
been patched up by now?].

the safest thing for you to do is use csoundlib,
and on os9 you get
the added benefit of being able to keep each csoundlib process with its
own memory space, so you can run multiple instances at once with no

now are you seeing why i abandonded the "mills" version?


On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Anthony Kozar wrote:

> Hello all,
> Does the reset functionality completely work already (i.e. in 4.23)??  Or
> does the work on reentrancy need to be completed in order to restart Csound
> from a tabula rasa state?
> What I am getting at is does the split between the Mac front-end and the
> Csound engine Perf -- which was created because Csound had no way to reset
> its globals and run main() a second time -- still need to exist?  Or can
> they finally be merged together into a single application?
> If they can be merged, which functions would need to be called, the API's
> csoundReset() or the mainReset() internal?  (I was just looking at the API
> docs on csounds.com, so I don't know how much has changed since they were
> written...)
> Thanks.
> Anthony Kozar
> anthony.kozar@utoledo.edu

Date2003-11-27 04:42
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[CSOUND-DEV:3560] Re: Reset vs. reentrancy
On 11/26/03 5:13 PM, Matt J. Ingalls etched in stone:

> there are definitely still globals floating around not being set
> right, in addition to memory leaks sometimes [although those might have
> been patched up by now?].

Thanks for the info.

> the safest thing for you to do is use csoundlib,

Well, I guess the big question then is "How do I use CsoundLib?"  Your
version of the API is somewhat different right now from what's on
sourceforge, isn't it?

> and on os9 you get
> the added benefit of being able to keep each csoundlib process with its
> own memory space, so you can run multiple instances at once with no
> conflicts.

Really !?!  Neat trick.  How does that work?

Anthony Kozar