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[Cs-dev] Csound 6 for Android with shared libraries

Date2013-06-30 21:22
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Cs-dev] Csound 6 for Android with shared libraries
AttachmentsNone  None  
This is now working for me including the plugin opcodes. I have modified the code but not pushed it.  My changes are:

libgnustl is always linked dynamically.

libsndfile is always linked dynamically.

In fact, all libraries are always linked dynamically except that the FluidSynth library is linked statically into the fluid opcodes plugin, and LuaJIT is linked statically into the Lua opcodes plugin.

The build system uses NDK's "import module" functionality to bring libraries into projects and to maintain build dependencies.

I believe that preloading in both csnJNI in the CsoundAndroid library, and in CsoundAppActivity in the CSDPlayer app, will now take care of different load orders on different devices. The load order is gnustl_shared, sndfile, androidcsound.

Unfortunately a bug in alwayson (doesn't work any more with string instrument names) has appeared. This occurs in both standalone Csound and in the Android code.

I don't want to upload another app to SourceForge until the alwayson bug is fixed.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com