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[Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3004190 ] adsynt versus adsynt2 part2

Date2010-05-19 18:07
Subject[Cs-dev] [ csound-Bugs-3004190 ] adsynt versus adsynt2 part2
Bugs item #3004190, was opened at 2010-05-19 19:07
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by menno0
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Menno (menno0)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: adsynt versus adsynt2 part2

Initial Comment:
yes, there are no errors anymore
BUT using the example from the manual "adsynt.csd" and comparing it to a slightly changed one (adding 2 behind "adsynt") a very different sound is created - not what i would expect from only interpolation

PortMIDI real time MIDI plugin for Csound
virtual_keyboard real time MIDI plugin for Csound
0dBFS level = 32768.0
Csound version 5.12 beta (double samples) May 17 2010
UnifiedCSD:  /media/LAC/improved examples/A_C/adsynt2.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score
orchname:  /tmp/csound-IM4XeF.orc
scorename: /tmp/csound-Jl62Hu.sco
RAWWAVE_PATH: /usr/local/share/csound/rawwaves/
rtmidi: ALSA module enabled
rtaudio: PortAudio module enabled ... using blocking interface
orch compiler:
83 (84) lines read
	instr	1	
	instr	2	
Elapsed time at end of orchestra compile: real: 0.002s, CPU: 0.010s
sorting score ...
	... done
Elapsed time at end of score sort: real: 0.002s, CPU: 0.010s
Csound version 5.12 beta (double samples) May 17 2010
displays suppressed
0dBFS level = 32768.0
ftable 1:
ftable 2:
ftable 3:
orch now loaded
audio buffered in 32 sample-frame blocks
PortAudio V19-devel (built Feb 18 2010 23:31:11)
PortAudio: available input devices:
   0: M Audio Audiophile 24/96: ICE1712 multi (hw:0,0)
   1: HDA Intel: ALC883 Analog (hw:1,0)
   2: HDA Intel: ALC883 Analog (hw:1,2)
   3: spdif
   4: pulse
   5: default
   6: /dev/dsp
   7: /dev/dsp1
PortAudio: selected input device 'default'
reading 64-byte blks of shorts from adc (RAW)
PortAudio: available output devices:
   0: M Audio Audiophile 24/96: ICE1712 multi (hw:0,0)
   1: HDA Intel: ALC883 Analog (hw:1,0)
   2: HDA Intel: ALC883 Digital (hw:1,1)
   3: front
   4: surround40
   5: surround51
   6: iec958
   7: spdif
   8: pulse
   9: dmix
  10: default
  11: /dev/dsp
  12: /dev/dsp1
PortAudio: selected output device 'default'
writing 64-byte blks of shorts to dac
new alloc for instr 1:
B  0.000 ..  3.000 T  3.000 TT  3.000 M:  29146.3
new alloc for instr 2:
B  3.000 ..  5.500 T  5.500 TT  5.500 M:  20501.8
Score finished in csoundPerformKsmps().
inactive allocs returned to freespace
end of score.		   overall amps:  29146.3
	   overall samples out of range:        0
0 errors in performance
Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 5.628s, CPU: 0.840s
7580 64-byte soundblks of shorts written to dac

example is attached


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