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[Cs-dev] Compiling csound5 with MinGW: pm_set_close_function

Date2006-04-03 22:15
FromRené Nyffenegger
Subject[Cs-dev] Compiling csound5 with MinGW: pm_set_close_function

I have already posted the following message on the csound phpbb forum at
http://www.csounds.com/phpBB2/, but I realized that this list might be more
appropriate for the question. Please excuse my double posting if you're
reading it the second time.

I am trying to compile csound 5 on Windows with MinGW, because, currently, I
don't have Visual Studio installed.

After a lot trial and error, I am now stuck with a
Creating library file: libpmidi.a
./libportmidi.a(pmwin.o)(.text+0x1b): In function `pm_init':
c:/temp/portmidi/pm_win/pmwin.c:52: undefined reference to
when executing
python.exe /c/tools/Python2.4/Scripts/scons
from a MSYS shell.

Now, has someone had the same problem with MinGW and how has it been solved.

I am aware that I am providing almost no information about the context, but
then, I have tried so many things so far that I am not sure how my build
directory and environment differs now from the original nor what is relevant
and what not. If you think I should give some more specific input to solve
this question, I am more than willing to provide it. It's just that I have
no clue what might be affecting my problem and what not.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Compiling-csound5-with-MinGW%3A-pm_set_close_function-t1389547.html#a3733982
Sent from the Csound - Dev forum at Nabble.com.

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Date2006-04-11 14:24
FromIstvan Varga
SubjectRe: [Cs-dev] Compiling csound5 with MinGW: pm_set_close_function